Fijian Civil Service

Ministry of Civil Service

Our Ministry is headed by the Minister for Civil Service Hon. Sitiveni L. Rabuka and the Permanent Secretary Mr. Parmesh Chand.

Our Role

We serve the Fijian Civil Service.

Our Mission

To support Ministries to create a culture of excellence by :

  • Being a driver and facilitator of change and evidence-based innovation for the Civil Service including the identification of international best practice, with implementation adapted for Fijian circumstances to cultivate a more efficient and productive workforce in the public sector, and for the civil service to be a merit-based, efficient and responsible employer.
  • Supporting all Ministries in the consistent implementation of human resource management policies and modern management practice.
  • Facilitating the continuous professional development and growth of human resources in the Civil Service and growing the workforce of the future.
  • Supporting the creation of the necessary conditions and a conducive work environment to inspire and improve the morale of civil servants.
  • Project management of the hosting of economically-stimulating, large-scale conferences.
  • Promoting an ethical culture and accountability in the Civil Service.
Our Values

We will actively promote and embody the values stated in The Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and the Civil Service Act 1999.

Our Clients and Stakeholders

  • We provide policy support and guidance to Permanent Secretaries.
  • We provide secretariat and administrative services to the Public Service Commission.
  • We provide policy advice to Government Ministers.
  • We provide services to the Fijian Civil Service which will continue the rapid progress towards a merit-based, efficient, and responsible employer.
  • We provide information on joining the civil service to members of the Fijian public.
  • We work in partnership with Ministries to drive and facilitate improved customer care.
  • We provide coordination services for Development Partners funded learning and development opportunities.
  • We work in partnership with Business Leaders, Private Sector and Sponsors to deliver large-scale conferences and events which will benefit Fiji and its people.
Our Strategic Priorities

From 2019 to 2021, the Ministry’s strategic priorities will focus on:

  • Driving and supporting ministries with the ongoing implementation of modern best practice across the Civil Service to firmly establish the Civil Service as a merit-based, efficient and responsible employer;
  • Scoping and implementing a cadetship programme as part of leadership development in the civil service;
  • Enhancing systems for managing customer complaints.
Goals Performance Indicators
Goal 1: We will coordinate the development of innovative, research based policy in support of a modern, vibrant civil service focussed on the ethical and accountable delivery of services to the Fijian people (SDG 16.6). KPI1.1 Innovative, research-based policy development is completed effectively and is delivered within timeframes agreed with the Minister.
KPI1.2 All whole of government policies promote a performance culture, with consistent, fair and accountable management of resources.
Goal 2: We will support ministries to effectively and consistently implement policies that promote their role as responsible employers, with a focus on good governance and service delivery. (SDG 16.6) KPI2.1 Support provided to Ministries is targeted to achieve high performance service delivery and best practice human resource management.
KPI2.2 Policy implementation by ministries is monitored and advice is provided to improve compliance, consistency and best practice efficiencies.
Goal 3: We will develop and implement a framework to manage core skills development across the civil service that is effective and promotes a learning culture. (SDG 16.6) KPI3.1 A training program for core skills development is established and updated annually to meet Ministry demands.
KPI3.2 Evaluation confirms transfer of learning to the workplace for core skills development.
Goal 4: We will work with ministries to identify and address scarce skill issues across the service. KPI4.1 MCS effectively coordinates the mitigation of scarce skills in Ministries.
KPI4.2 Cost-effective, sustainable strategies for addressing impact of scarce skills on service delivery delivers improvements to ministries.
Goal 5: We will support effective and efficient operation of the Public Service Commission. KPI5.1 Timely, responsive secretariat and administration support is provided for the Public Service Commission and organisation of PSC meetings and events.
Goal 6: We will lead project management of large-scale conferences which support stimulation of the Fijian economy.. KPI6.1 Events management handbook is completed and support provided across government to ensure events are delivered on time, within allocated budget and to agreed standards.
Goal 7: We will ensure transparent, accountable and responsible management of Ministry of Civil Service resources. KPI7.1 Ministry of Civil Services resources are managed to deliver activities agreed in the annual Costed Operational Plan.
  • Accountability
    We take full responsibility for our actions, decisions and mistakes. We commit to deliver the best outcomes for the people of Fiji and remain answerable to them. In doing so we ensure that our activities are transparent and are in accordance with all laws, rules and regulations.
  • Excellence
    Excellence and not average is our measure. The quality of our service delivery is reflected by the pride we take in what we do and how we deliver. We are passionate about our people, process, and service and by excelling in what we do we will strive to make Fiji a better place for all Fijians and for all visitors to Fiji.
  • Inclusiveness
    We will ensure the involvement and empowerment of all, where the inherent worth and dignity of all people are recognized along with their talents, beliefs, backgrounds, and cultures.
  • Integrity
    We maintain a high standard of integrity by commanding trust and confidence among all the Fijians and the international community. We take accountability for our actions and will remain transparent, ethical, and fair.
  • Professionalism
    We embody the highest standards of behaviour, presentation, competence and ethics that we must hold ourselves to at all times.
  • Trust
    We build trust by doing the right thing all the time. We ensure that our actions are not affected by our personal interests or relationships.
  • Innovation
    We continue to innovate with a view to staying in line or ahead of global developments including in technology to provide state of the art service and solutions to our customers.
  • An employee must behave honestly and with integrity in the course of employment in the public service.
  • An employee must act with care and diligence in the course of employment in the public service.
  • An employee, when acting in the course of employment in the public service, must treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and without coercion or harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment, or discrimination (whether direct or indirect) on any of the prohibited grounds of discrimination contained in Parts 2A and 2B of this Act.
  • An employee, when acting in the course of employment in the public service, must comply with all applicable Acts and subordinate legislation.
    4A. An employee, when acting in the course of employment in the public service, must uphold and comply with provisions governing the fundamental principles and rights at work and the equal employment opportunities, as prescribed under Parts 2A and 2B of this Act.
  • An employee must comply with all lawful and reasonable directions given by persons in authority in the employee's Ministry, department or parliamentary body.
  • An employee must maintain appropriate confidentiality about dealings that the employee has with any Minister or any member of the staff of a Minister.
  • An employee must disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in connection with employment in the public service.
  • An employee must use Government resources and assets in a proper way.
  • A person must not, in the course of or in connection with employment in the public service, provide false or misleading information in response to a request for information that is made for official purposes.
  • An employee must not make improper use of official information or of the employee's duties, status, power or authority in order to gain, a benefit or advantage for the employee or for any one else.
  • An employee must not, except in the course of his or her duties as an employee, or with the express authority of the chief executive of his or her Ministry, department or parliamentary body, give or disclose, directly or indirectly, any information about public business or anything of which the employee has official knowledge.
  • An employee must at all times behave in a way that upholds the Public Service Values and the integrity and good reputation of the public service.
  • An employee on duty overseas must at all times behave in a way that upholds the good reputation of the State.
  • An employee must comply with any other conduct requirement prescribed by regulations, specified in directions or required of the employee by his or her chief executive.
  • In this section employee includes a wage earner.

Our Fijian Constitution (Section 123, page 78) which provides our Civil Service values and principles.

Our values:

  • high standards of professionalism, including professional ethics and integrity;
  • prompt and faithful implementation of Government policies and administration of laws;
  • being free from corruption;
  • efficient, effective and economic use of public resources;
  • prompt response to requests and questions from the public, and delivery of service to the public, in a manner that is respectful, effective, impartial, fair, and equitable;
  • accountability for administrative conduct;
  • transparency, including—
  • timely, accurate disclosure of information to the public; and
  • prompt, complete and candid reporting to Parliament, as required by law;
  • cultivation of good human resource management and career development practices, to maximise human potential; and
  • recruitment and promotion based on—
  • objectivity, impartiality and fair competition; and
  • ability, education, experience and other characteristics of merit.

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