Fijian Civil Service
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Procedural Review Request
I confirm that I am eligible for appointment to the Civil Service (aged under 55years and Fijian Citizen), of good character and with a clear police record.
* NOTE : This is a procedural review request and will review only whether the Open Merit Recruitment and Selection (OMRS) Guideline was followed. If the review finds that the procedure was not followed, the Ministry will be directed to redo the process, different appointments will not be made.
To assist in assessing your request, please give your reasons for procedure review below: (PLEASE TICK)
The job description includes criteria that are discriminatory
I met all the criteria in the job description and was not short listed
Interview questions / test did not relate to the criteria in the job decription
Interview questions / test covered material that were discriminatory to me
Selection panel did not meet the required attributes
* Attach a copy of the letter notifying you were not successful
* Please attach one page statement explaining further your reasons for appeal. Only the criteria above will be considered in the appeal, as only process can be considered during the appeal.
I consent to submitting this form electronically.
*Note : Submissions which do not explain the basis of the procedural review, or are not based on the criteria listed above, will not be considered.
This form is to be submitted directly to the Public Service Commission within 5 working days of notification of the outcome of your application. Please take note of the receipt number you will get after you have submitted.
Click here to download the Procedural Review form.
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