Fijian Civil Service

Promoting Positive Attitudes and Performance

Discipline Guideline

The Civil Service applies modern and positive approaches to discipline that aim to correct and improve performance and ensure appropriate behaviour in the workplace.

We prioritise high performance, integrity and accountability in the delivery of quality services to the Fijian people.

What is the process ?
  • Civil servants must understand their responsibilities fully relating to Ministry Codes of Conduct, Civil Service Values and individual standards of work performance.
  • Any disciplinary action undertaken is :
  • prompt
  • transparent
  • fair and impartial
  • consistent
  • made with the employee’s understanding
  • where appropriate, after the employee is given the opportunity to improve.
  • The Discipline guideline applies to all current staff in Ministries, including Government Wage Earners, temporary and project staff.
  • Employees have the right to be informed of any allegations, be provided with an opportunity to respond with adequate time and given opportunity to have support throughout the process.
  • Disciplinary action can only be undertaken by the Permanent Secretary of the employee’s Ministry.
  • Any disciplinary issues including poor performance or misconduct, respects and maintains the confidentiality of the employee.
What is a performance improvement program ?
  • A supervisor will institute a Performance Improvement Program (PIP) if an employee is not performing to the required standards.
  • This will advise the employee of the areas where performance does not meet required standards, outline what the standard is, and document an agreed plan of action to improve performance.
  • Whilst this is linked to the PMF, PIP should be instituted at the time that any performance areas requiring improvement are identified.
Please read the full terms and conditions outlined in the Guideline.

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